
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

To Helmet or Not To Helmet? Is that the Question?

It seems as if the helmet topic comes up often when I'm speaking with people about motorcycling. Maybe  more-so in my geographical area because I live in Missouri where the state law requires us to wear a DOT approved helmet when riding however just a few miles away in Illinois there is no helmet law. Until recently my feelings on the matter where callous because I make the decision to wear a helmet regardless of political or legal standings. I say, "until recently" because my thoughts on wearing a helmet remain unchanged however my view on the law is starting to evolve.

You cannot dispute that wearing a helmet increases your level of safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), "helmets saved the lives of 1,617 motorcyclists in 2011 and that 703 more lives in all states could have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets." Additionally, "helmets are estimated to be 37% effective in preventing fatal injuries to riders and 41% for passengers." ( I can go into greater detail but you get the idea. Bottom line is they work.

The purpose of this post isn't to advocate for or against wearing a helmet but rather to view the purpose of the law requiring them. I teach new riders that riding a motorcycle is a risky endeavor and they have to decide what level of risk they are willing to accept. This includes everything from how and when they ride too where they ride, who they ride with and what type or level of gear they choose to wear when they ride. As adult riders we take responsibility for ourselves and/or how much risk we choose to take when riding.

Admittedly, it is a bit of a pet peeve of mine when laws are passed to protect us from ourselves. With kids I feel it's a different story. Sometimes the law has to step in to help certain people make good parenting decisions. As an adult, I have to believe that other able-minded adults understand gravity of their decisions and the level of risk they choose to accept.

So...Does there need to be a helmet law? I don't know. I do know that every piece of gear I put on decreases the severity of my injuries and can potentially save my life in the event of a crash. I know that I am about 40% more likely to survive a crash with my helmet on. I choose to educate myself and others on the importance of protective gear and riding safely in effort increase everyone's level of awareness. These are my choices. Others may choose a different path and regardless of where that path takes them I have to believe they are prepared to take responsibility for their actions before they ride. As American's we have freedom to make our own choices but we definitely need to be prepared for the results. Frankly, if you're not prepared for the end result then you are simply not making good choices.

For me it's a matter of defining where the line should be drawn. At what point do we start taking responsibilities for ourselves and stop letting others make decisions for us? I don't agree with riding without a helmet; for me, it just doesn't make sense, I don't get it. I do, however, support preserving our freedom as individuals to make our own choices. We need to be held accountable for ourselves.

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